New Article Surveying Septuagint Research

Back in April, I posted something that I very modestly entitled An Absolutely Gigantic Septuagint Bibliography, because that’s what it is. I’ve had some good response to it over the last few months and, yes, I am keeping a list of additions, which stack up at an alarming rate.

Anyhow, I mentioned in that post how the impetus for the bibliography was linked to my work on producing an updated survey of the last decade of Septuagint scholarship for Currents in Biblical Research. The last such bibliography had been written by Kristen De Troyer and stopped in 2012. But what I did not mention previously is that the impetus for writing this survey at all actually arose while I was hopped up on heavy-duty narcotics last Christmastide, following a sudden and rather drastic spinal surgery (from which I have fully recovered, d.g.). Now that I’ve completed the task, I humbly recognize that it is only something that sounds reasonable in such a drug-induced state.

Even so, I’m glad it’s done and even more pleased that it’s now in print. You can access it here. I hope it helps foster more research in the discipline and introduces newcomers to its complexities.

P.S., Some of my readers may have noticed that I dropped off of Twitter recently. It’s true, and I did it before it was cool. I gave Twitter one year to prove it added value to my life and, well, it failed the test, so I left. But you can still find me here.


  1. I was under the impression you were booted for hate speech when you remarked that “SBL Handbook of Style 2nd ed. was the worst sequel since Robocop 2.”

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