ONLINE: 8th International Conference for Septuagint Studies

More than a year ago, I posted the announcement of the 8th International Conference for Septuagint Studies, to be held (as always) in Wuppertal, Germany.

That was in January 2020. Within four months, the global situation had changed drastically of course. So I then posted and update about the event, which was “postponed” until the following year. (more…)

Proceedings of the 2018 LXX.D Wuppertal Conference Published

It’s great to see the publication of a new volume on Septuagint research. This work was edited by a team of scholars involved in the Forschungsprojekte zur Septuaginta in Deutschland, which hosts a conference every other year in Germany and publishes the proceedings with Mohr Siebeck. In fact, what would have been the eighth conference was scheduled for this very weekend in Wuppertal, but like everything else it was cancelled for obvious reasons. (It is slated to occur next summer, d.v.)

In any case, the new volume, Die Septuaginta – Themen, Manuskripte, Wirkungen, is now in print and contains articles from the 2018 conference, which was a wonderful event. There is a huge number of articles in this book, which comes in just shy of 1,000 pages! (more…)


Back in January I posted information about an open call for papers for the upcoming Septuagint conference at the Kirchliche Hochschule in Wuppertal, Germany. Obviously a lot has happened since that call went out. As of this morning I received word that the 2020 conference has been cancelled. However, the event usually occurs every other year and the organizers were able to secure funding for putting on the exact same conference in 2021. So functionally this is a postponement, rather than a straight cancellation, especially since all those presenting research are being given the option to simply defer for a year. (more…)