8th International Conference for Septuagint Studies (Wuppertal 2020)

For over a decade, Septuagint scholars have gathered every other year for a conference at the Kirchliche Hochschule in Wuppertal, Germany. The 2020 event will be the eighth such conference, and will take place from Friday, July 24th through Monday, July 27th.

At the moment there is a call for papers open through February 12th, which can be sent to lxx2020@kiho-wuppertal-bethel.de. Further details appear in the flyer below, but note that this year’s event is focused on the prophetical corpus. The official theme is Die Septuaginta – Prophetische Worte, Textwelten und Versionen.

I have written in previous years about the Wuppertal Tagunen, two of which I have attended. They are really wonderful events that I have found very worthwhile. Historically, the conferences have been part of the Forschungsprojekte zur Septuaginta in Deutschland, a research initiative that is responsible for the production of Septuaginta Deutsch (also here) and the ongoing Handbuch zur Septuagint

This year there is some new leadership organizing the conference, but things look just as promising. I assume, as in previous years, the proceedings will be published by Mohr Siebeck. The previous Tagungsbänden include:

Die Septuaginta – Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten (2006 event)
Die Septuaginta – Texte, Theologien, Einflüsse (2008 event)
Die Septuaginta – Entstehung, Sprache, Geschichte (2010 event)
Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption (2012 event)
Die Septuaginta – Orte und Intentionen (2014 event)
Die Septuaginta – Geschichte, Wirkung, Relevanz (2016 event)
Die Septuaginta Themen, Manuskripte, Wirkungen (2018 event)

The 2018 program is still available, but the proceedings have yet to be published. The flyer for the 2020 conference is below: