LXX Scholar Interview: Dr. Emanuel Tov

Today I continue with my ongoing Septuagint Scholar Interview Series, which has been underway for at least two years now. The seventh scholar to participate in this undertaking whose interview is featured today, is Dr. Emanuel Tov. Presently Dr. Tov is actively researching and writing as professor emeritus in the Department of Bible at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. If you are at all involved in Old Testament textual studies, you will know Tov’s extensive work.

Without getting into the same details that you will hear about in the interview, Dr. Tov has an amazing “scholarly biography” of work with esteemed scholars such as Sha’Arei Talmon, Isac Leo Seeligman, Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, Chaim Menachem Rabin, and many others. He has contributed to numerous projects, some of which are ongoing, that have changed the landscape of Old Testament studies.

I was excited to have the opportunity to try out a video format for this interview, and I am thankful for Dr. Tov’s willingness to give some of his time. The video is about 30 minutes long, and in it you will hear about Dr. Tov’s early academic training in Septuagint, his work in Greek lexicography with John W. Wevers, the development of CATSS and the Hebrew University Bible Project, and lots more. Sit back with a cup of coffee and enjoy hearing from one of the most influential scholars in Septuagint scholarship today (Oh, and also buy his most recent book).

If you want to skip around in the video, here are the questions, although there are a lot of interesting rabbit trails in between:

0:00-3:18        Describe how you became interested in LXX studies and your training?
3:19-7:04        How did your academic mentors think about the Greek of the Septuagint? 
7:05-17:30      Describe some of your more significant publications in the field.
28:45-29:30   How has the field changed over the course of your career?
24:15-25:24   What are areas in LXX that still need research? 
25:25-28:44   What are some of your current projects in LXX studies?
28:45-29:30   What is the future of LXX studies?


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