Professional Societies

Septuagint Colloquium at McGill University (Call for Papers)

I’m glad to draw some (rather belated) attention to an upcoming Septuagint colloquium entitled Interpreting the Septuagint in Its Greco-Roman Context, to be held in Montreal, Canada.

Each year, the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (CSBS) holds its Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Congress of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. For 2024, the Congress, which gathers up to 10,000 scholars and students, will meet at McGill University in Montreal. The Septuagint colloquium will be part of the CSBS Meeting, which means that participants can also attend any CSBS session. (more…)

2023 SBL Reception in Memory of James K. Aitken

Right around this time of year, biblical scholars around the world start getting serious about their papers and activities for the annual Society of Biblical Literature conference held in November. I for one am certainly starting to plan things out in more detail, and (of course) getting my presentations on paper. I’ll be involved in a variety of activities in my various groups in linguistics, Septuagint, and lexicography. But I wanted to be sure to draw attention to an event that my readers might be interested in attending. (more…)

Summer ’22 Update

Well it is officially the dog days of summer. It is sunny, sticky, and thunderstorm-y here in North Carolina. Things move a little slower over the summer in the academic world, which is nice. But — aside from teaching an intensive — I am still working on a number of projects. Since I did a post like this one last year around this time, I thought I’d give another general update on things I’ve been doing over this past ’21/’22 academic year, things that have happened, and things that are still underway. (more…)