It’s Finally Here! The Handbook for Septuagint Research

[Update: I just found out that this book is gathering interest on the Logos Bible Software platform, where it would cost only $26. If you are interested in accessing it there, please pre-order it here!]

My set of volumes from the publisher, looking sharp.

It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a full year since I posted the announcement of my new book, the T&T Clark Handbook of Septuagint Research, which I coedited with W. Edward Glenny (U. Northwestern-St. Paul).

Well, it is now available everywhere books are sold. (Although the price point is admittedly unfortunate.)

A lot has happened since last summer. One of the most noteworthy things is the publication of another handbook to the Septuagint almost simultaneously to ours. I’ll post more information about that (and hopefully an interview with the editor) in the near future. But it is fantastic to see the proliferation of resources for this field of study.

Ed and I are thrilled with the results, grateful to our contributors, and sincerely hope this volume will prove helpful to non-specialists who are ready to engage the Septuagint beyond the introductory level!


  1. Praise the Lord for your (and your contributors’) labor! I never enjoyed the privilege of studying directly under Ed Glenny, but I do remember him from his work at my alma mater: University of Northwestern–St. Paul.

    I look forward to enjoying the fruits of your labor for the outrageously absurd academic price of $25.99 (plus tax). It’s almost as ridiculous as what another academic publisher tried to charge me recently after downloading an entire series of books: gratis! In all seriousness, I’m grateful to the T&T Clark for releasing such recent scholarship for a affordable price.

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